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Gospel Beautiful Podcast with Michael Chan

A conversation with Michael Chan where we talk about my book Disability and the Way of Jesus, about Beloved Everybody, and in general about Jesus, healing, church practice - and especially about what it looks like to innovate as followers of Jesus in church communities and in our lives.

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otherWISE Podcast

A recording of an interview with Casey Tygrett, for his otherWISE podcast that seeks to provide wisdom through teaching and interviews for the greatest life ever, living as an apprentice of Jesus in everyday life. Here we talk about disability and what it looks like to pursue Jesus' way of healing.


New Church New Way Podcast

Recording and transcript of an interview with me on the New Church New Way podcast, of 1001 New Worshiping Communities (of the PCUSA). A podcast exploring the connections between people, their communities, and the ways that context shapes faith. I share about some of the inspiration for Beloved Everybody Church, thoughts about church in general, what it means to be a pastor in an unconventional context, and being an ability-inclusive Jesus-following community.

Interview with Shane Clifton

From Fuller Studio, a recording and transcript of a conversation I had with Shane Clifton, theology professor at Alphacrucis College in Sydney, Australia about different understandings of health, and thoughts about virtue and disability. Especially drawing on his thoughtful new book: Crippled Grace: Disability, Virtue Ethics, and the Good Life.

Start in LA Podcast: Seasons 1-2, co-host

The Start in LA Podcast is a local conversation about starting churches. Along with my co-hosts, I interview guests on topics related to the unique work of starting churches in Los Angeles.

Other Interviews

Calvin Institute for

Christian Worship Symposium: Panel  -

One Body, Many Members: Disability and Diversity in the Church


Whiskey and Ry:

Podcast Guest

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Wesley Seminary


Healing Ministry

Video Interviews on Celebrating Diverse Abilities

"Celebrating Diverse Abilities 2018" at Fuller Theological Seminary

4 part video series of panelists discussing faith and disability.

Sponsored by the Faith and Disability student group and Fuller's Access Services Office

Rev. Belinda McCleese, Community Leader
Helen Kim, Fuller Student
Dr. Amos Yong, Professor of Theology and Mission
Dr. Bethany McKinney Fox, Access Services, Adjunct Prof. of Christian Ethics

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 1: Discussion of Language and Identity. How do we approach the language around diverse abilities?

Part 2: Theology and Disability. How does God perceive our diverse abilities?

Part 3: Discussion of best practices we've seen in churches to welcome and include people of all abilities.

Part 4: A word to churches going forward - what would we like to say to them, what advice do we have?

Interview with Documentary Filmmakers of I'll Push You

As part of "Fuller Curated" - podcasts of the best conversations taking place at Fuller Seminary, Bethany interviews the filmmakers and subjects of I’ll Push You, a documentary following two best friends facing physical limitations to travel El Camino de Santiago. They discuss their 500-mile journey of transformation, hope and brokenness, the necessity of community and more. Joining the conversation were:

Patrick Gray, subject
Justin Skeesuck, subject
Chris Karcher, co-director
Terry Parish, co-director

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