Bethany McKinney Fox
Writer. Speaker. Coach. Innovator. Mystic. Work-in-Progress.
Building imagination toward truly inclusive communities.
Glad you're here.
I find my joy and calling speaking, teaching, and creating spaces and relationships that celebrate and make known the gifts of people of all abilities - especially people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, whose gifts are too often ignored. We have gifts, and we are gifts - all of us - to one another.
And I love supporting others to create these spaces, too.
Check out my book, Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church (IVP Academic, 2019). In it I explore how the narratives of Jesus healing in the Gospels can constructively guide church communities to be true places of healing in the way of Jesus for people with disabilities.
"I believe this book will make a difference."
-From the foreword by John Swinton
"Eloquent yet simply written, this book is essential reading for pastors, teachers, and anyone wishing to create more inclusive and welcoming churches."
-Devan Stahl, assistant professor of religion, Baylor University
"...a joy to read. ...I cannot imagine preaching or writing about these healing stories without pulling this back off my shelf and reminding myself of what Dr. Fox has to say."
-Bill Gaventa
"...empowers the church to live more fully into such good news so it can be a more welcoming space for all people."
-Amos Yong, Dean, Fuller Theological Seminary
" indispensable guide for extending Jesus' holistic healing ministry for people with disabilities in analogically faithful and appropriate ways."
-Paul Louis Metzger, professor of theology and culture, Multnomah University and Seminary
"...carries us along so that we see better than we did before (as we begin to see through her eyes) how our study of Scripture and our patterns of discipleship and ecclesial life can better reflect 'the way of Jesus.'"
-Joel B. Green, professor of New Testament interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary